This application was developed to aid Charleston County Residents in their preparation for emergencies. “Charleston County’s Emergency Management Department (EMD) provides leadership and assistance in an effort to reduce the loss of life and property in Charleston County from a variety of man-made and natural hazards through an effective emergency management program based on the Four Phases of Emergency Management: Mitigation – efforts to reduce hazards or their impacts; Preparedness – efforts to prepare for a likely hazard; Response – actions taken to respond to an emergency or disaster; Recovery – actions taken to restore the community to pre-disaster condition. Charleston County is exposed to a wide variety of hazards, both natural and man-made. Earthquakes, severe storms, power outages, and acts of terrorism are just some of the potential emergencies we may encounter. Imagine that you have no electricity, no gas, no water and no telephone service. Imagine that all the businesses are closed and you are without any kind of emergency services. What will you do until help arrives? Click on the buttons to the left to find out how you can prepare yourself and your family for an emergency.” -Charleston County Emergency Management Department